
The Arab Republic of Egypt is an Arab country located in the northeastern corner of the continent of Africa, and has an Asian extension, where the Sinai Peninsula is located in the continent of Asia is an intercontinental state. The Arab Republic of Egypt borders the Mediterranean Sea with a coast of 995 km. It is bordered on the east by the Red Sea by a coast of 194 km. It is bordered in the north-east by the area of ​​Palestine (Israel and the Gaza Strip) with a length of 265 km. It is also bordered by Sudan for a length of 1280 km. The area of ​​the Arab Republic of Egypt is about 1,002,000 square kilometers [8] and the inhabited area is 78,990 km 2 with 7.8% of the total area. [9] Egypt is administratively divided into 27 governorates, and each governorate is divided into smaller administrative divisions, the centers or sections. [10]
The majority of Egypt's population is concentrated in the Nile Valley and in the urban areas. The Nile Valley and the Delta constitute less than 4% of the total area of ​​the country, or about 33,000 km2. The largest population is Greater Cairo, which has a quarter of the population, followed by Alexandria; The Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea and the Suez Canal cities. These places occupy an area of ​​40,000 square kilometers. While the non-contiguous desert forms the bulk of the country. [11]
Egypt is known for having one of the oldest civilizations on Earth, where humans began to migrate to the banks of the Nile and settled and began to cultivate land and raise livestock for about 10,000 years. And the development of its people quickly and started by the simple industries and the development of social fabric interconnected, and the formation of adjacent neighboring Pacific on the banks of the Nile trade exchange, a precedent in all countries of the world. This is evidenced by the civilization of Badari about 7000 years ago and the civilization of Naqada (4400 BC - about 3000 years BC). Its natural development was to merge with each other north and south and unify the tribal and maritime sides and began the central government represented at the beginning of the family era (about 3000 BC). Trade with its neighbors has been exchanged as Egypt is one of the first trading countries. Writing in Egypt has had a significant impact on the life of the country and its rapid development. The ancient Egyptian was fond of writing, and ancient Egypt also witnessed advances in medicine, engineering and arithmetic.
Then came the advent of Alexander the Great, which was founded after the Ptolemaic state, and then conquered by the Romans and remained under their rule 600 years and during this period saw the emergence of Christianity in Egypt, and then came the Islamic conquest and turned Egypt into an Islamic state, and was founded in Egypt has many countries such as: the Tulunid, then the Ekhchidia, then Fatimid, then Ayyubid and Mamluks, and then became under the Ottoman rule until 1914 when the Sultanate was declared, then turned into a kingdom and then turned into a republic.
Egypt is famous for its many monuments, such as the Pyramids of Giza, the Sphinx, the Karnak Temple, the Monastery of the Kings, the Valley of the Kings and its other ancient monuments, such as those in Memphis, Taybeh and Karnak, and parts of these monuments are exhibited in major museums around the world. A special science was found to study the effects of Egypt called Egyptology, as well as the Roman, Greek, Coptic and Islamic monuments of various ages.
Arabic is the official language, and according to the Constitution, its official religion is Islam, [13] and its system of government is democratic. [14] Egypt is a founding member of the League of Arab States and has its headquarters. It is also one of the founding members of the United Nations, where it joined in 1945, in addition to its membership in the African Union. Egypt is also a member of many international associations and organizations. Most countries


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